Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
And we're here for a full series discussion! Beware, spoilers ahead!
latest #25
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
Tune in tomorrow when we get started on our next book - Visser, DUN DUN DUUUUUN!
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
Reminder that since Visser's a double-sized book, we're going to be reading it for a double length of time, so your midbook check in will be going up next Fri/Sat instead of Wednesday (and corresponding adjustments thereafter)
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
(Given that it's Thanksgiving in the US, it's probably good that we hit a double this week)
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
So, we've had our first major family/lifestyle change in this book. Rachel's dad moved away, but her parents were already divorced. Tobias lost his family immediately, and Cassie and Jake's parents are solid and steady couples. The war is a huge problem for the kids, but this is the first time anything has really rocked their world independently of it
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
And given that phone call Marco gets, it's probably not going to remain stable for very long
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
This time, let's ask a different sort of question. It's not at all uncommon for people's parents to start dating and remarrying after a spouse dies or the couple divorces; guarantee there's a few in our community here
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
So, if it happened to you, what was it like for you? How did you handle it? Was it a relief to have your parent find a new partner, or did you resent them?
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
We'll be back tomorrow to get started on Visser!
236 bees
7 years ago
unrelated but
236 bees
7 years ago
there are so many animorphs fics with people who are/were controllers who are like actually this is great and it's just
236 bees
7 years ago
i dunno
236 bees
7 years ago
236 bees
7 years ago
since for the most part yeerks are kind of treated as like, backseat buddies or partners who don't really have control like you're still you but with company
236 bees
7 years ago
which... no.......
7 years ago
...that... is... not what it is, mostly......
236 bees
7 years ago
236 bees
7 years ago
there was one about this voluntary controller who got in because of dealing with addiction and it was like [my yeerk] would have stopped me if i ever tried to get some which is why i didn't
236 bees
7 years ago
and i'm here like
236 bees
7 years ago
"that. that's. that's not how it works though."
236 bees
7 years ago
like even if you have a Good Yeerk who is taking co-command it's down to like
236 bees
7 years ago
they're in charge and you're offering input on what you want your body to do now
7 years ago
I mean. A few will cohabitate. A few. And that's all
236 bees
7 years ago
yeah but it's like even more than that like the implication seems always to be that the human is still in charge
236 bees
7 years ago
and even with that few that's really not the case
7 years ago
The ones in the YPM I could see, Tidwell was operating in tandem with his yeerk, but that.. is few
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