- There was a bug where if it encountered 5+ consecutive posts without finding any comments, it would give up entirely, even skipping all remaining sources on the list. That bug has been resolved.
- The UI now has you specify the exact date range of your AC period.
- If one journal makes five comments in a row, that's now counted as one comment, not five.
- If you put in redundant sources, it will no longer apply them twice.
- Slightly better error handling.
You should be able to just copy the files right into where your old version is, if you already have it.
The Avast problem is still there, I'm afraid - I don't really have any way to resolve it.
It's new software from an unknown source (me) and it makes HTTP requests, which looks pretty suspicious to malware protection.
But I promise it can't possibly do anything to harm you or your computer!
o rly. because I ran ACSavior and it pulled a knife on me.
I'm sorry, you must have downloaded the Special Knife Edition
that one can absolutely harm you, don't use it unless you're extremely good in a knife fight
Looks good! It's even loading comments from two comms now, but apparently three is still too much.
what do you have in default.sav?
It loaded everything from the first two.
and it scans nothing for legionmissions?
could you copy the full log output and pastebin it?
You want it done verbose?
I'm at work now but I'll look into this tonight
Sorry for all the trouble!
'Sorry for all the trouble' he says after working this up.
my work isn't truly complete until AC becomes so easy that people forget it's a process
...Oh, that's interesting. Hold on a sec.
Huh. So wait, what did you actually do to make it work?
I just pasted the link solo, then pasted it in a trio.
ah, so it works if it's the only source?
It worked when it was the only source, and then, when, adding the other two on top, it still works.
I'll see if I can reproduce it later.
no, it's good! this is valuable data
So, how do you put in AC for multiple characters?
This loads up all activity on the comms, so you've just gotta search your character names and paste the activity there.
Huh. Because it doesn't seem to think Entranceway's comms are RP accounts
they aren't marked as cuh!
it won't work for Entranceway unless the mods update the comm settings.
Alright, guess I'll go do AC manually.