I'm so heckin stoked to use it omggg
Nice! What are you working on these days?
I'm going to be focusing on beading, stuffed animals and scarves for Christmas, but after that I've got a shitload of yarn I'm going to be turning into a pixel blanket
I also want to see about making some sweater guards because I can't find any and I have a mighty need
I have a craft room but it's an absolute mess... This is giving me Goals
dude right?? It was a rescue from the goodwill because there's something really heartbreaking to me about handmade afghans and throws being dumped even if I totally get the need sometimes
Oh dang, was it? Good rescue, then.
I have yet to even finish one. They take a long time, it's a great thing to rescue at the thrift store
I only get this tiny area because I have to share the spare room with my husband and his computer setup... I've got some of those nice big plastic drawers underneath that's holding all my fabric and bead stuff
that's exactly my thinking... I get what kind of time and love and money investment they are and seeing them piled up in the corner of the place for like three bucks leaves me feeling super sympathetic
I think it's my fifth? sixth ? rescue this year lmao
See, that makes me want to go buy a bunch from the local Goodwill and donate them to the animal shelters in the area. At least then they'll be loved.
oh man, highly recommended
this was one of my later rescues... a perfect fit to cover my heinously ugly love seat and it looks fab with the blues
this was my first one -- it's clunky and uneven and REALLY obviously a piece that someone inexperienced never got to finish, but it's so so so soft and cozy and it's my absolute favorite
It's got such huge stitches, I love it!
It's so great!!! Oscar and i have snuggled so much in it, it's his fave too
I love love love the work on this one, how gorgeous!?
and then this one I just really liked the colors, and the fact that it's big enough to legit cover a bed
I would put that one on my bed, no question.
that green one is so nice I keep it rolled up under a side table so it doesn't get chewed or hair-covered
I really am turning into an old lady ... this is my thing now. collecting donated blankets and assigning personalities and backstories to them?
This is such a cute space, and I love the green-leaf rescued blanket.
whatever, there's like 8 inches of snow on the ground and I'm cozy af, bury me with my snuggly friends
Knitting patterns like that green one must be difficult...
I wish I could do something about that Barney purple wall but no way anytime soon
I really like the wavy brown one with the lace
(that one's crochet. I wonder if I could figure it out...)
I bet you could! I gotta up my crochet game, I've got the basic stitches down but patterns leave me more confused than not
The good news is basic stitches is all you ever really gotta know \o/
It's just like... squinting and interpreting patterns from then on, or if a pattern has some goofy stitch you have to figure out.
Those wave blankets are all doubles with increases and decreases... and for the lacy gaps, probably skipping stitches.
there's a closer look at it... covered in cat hair as it is
Oooh. You know what? That looks knit.
Wouldn't have the FIRST CLUE how to do that with knitting! But wave afghans are super easy to crochet
I just want to wrap your dog in that green blanket and snuggle him.
And dang, GG, you're right, that wave one IS knit!
I've got a book for one that I bought all the yarn for and then chickened out
Jesus, knitting a blanket would be super annoying. (in my extremely limited knitting experience.) you'd need those really long needles with the plastic extended ropey thing on it
I'm going to turn that weird antlered basket up on top into a pin cushion
knitters are majestic ... I used to get hypnotized watching my sil do it, it's like witchcraft to me
I knitted a blanket once. /neveragain
I like the long needles with extended ropey thing. They're fun.
I have some crochet hooks like that
Which are meant for afghan crochet... which is basically knitting with crochet hooks.
that seems like a lot ... I'm going to be
doing this instead
easier to heck up with for sure
well that and not bugger the whole thing
Oh I've wanted to make one of those for a while
So much work... but so cool!
they're so neat, hell yeah
I wonder if I can knit squares and do something much the same...