normally if they are beyond listening i just close their message and let life go on but if they start to harassh you, then i can see blocking being a think to do
Nope, I only ban ppl that grief or beg and doesnt listen to me when i tell them to stop
I think I've muted a couple that were beyond helping and rude af but I've never banned anyone.
yes, three times so far when they're absolutely insane
I just asked an opinion to other designers, i didn't even mention what happened, so you really keep on being rude with this attitude.
mz_marville: making public what?? I didn't said anything about you, it's just you making this public drama now
mz_marville: no it's not a coincidence, but it's a question to other designers, I'm not sharing what happened. Where do you see me talking about you in this plurk?
if she had come here and put any details in about your convo then i think you'd be more than justified in coming here and defending yourself, but literally she didnt. she made a venty plurk.
This plurk is just confirming me I made the correct choice
with no details, she didnt even write anything in side this plurk til after you did
She harassed you when????? You are harassing her here!!!
mz_marville: your ego is enormous. Did you know they proved that solar system is not mz_marville-centric, yes?
Kiddo_Oh: i nearly died thanks to you, my tea gksjdgksjd
You're putting up a show that is frankly quite embarrassing for you. Seriously, stop it...
If you’re being as rude to her in SL as here, i’d say it’s pretty justified. I didn’t know this plurk was even about someone specific until all those replies ^
welp, i don't understand what just happened lmao
at this point even if you were right you're now wrong.
this is the cringiest plurk I have ever seen
this was a vague plurk that could have been about literally anyone or anything. even if what you say happened, you've come in here and made an ass of yourself
mz_marville: i just want to say before you come in here or assume we are all defending her because she's our friend and a designer - stop. we are all shocked at this because she didn't mention you, and NO ONE would have known it was about you, til you came in here and went wild. may she have be rude to you and done all you listed?
but at this point, we all sorta dont care because you came in here really rude, and just assumed all this , and expected everyone to be upset at her because you are?
As a store owner, i can say, this is something i never want my customers to experience, i never want them to be that upset at me, but there are times where i've had people become this upset even tho i do everything i can to help them
wether thats the case with astralia this time or not, i don't think anyone wants to be thrown stuff like this in public, when tehy werent even mentioning you
she removed all her comments
Sorry guys, for real, I don't know wtf just happened
it's ok lol she kind of like proved everything herself
To answer to your original question: yes. Fucking mute her and ban her.
well that was a shitstorm. lol

well then
mz_marville: FYI, this is rude behavior that (no longer just) borders on harassment. I'm kind of in awe at your moxy, but also embarrassed for your choice to behave this way in a public forum.
I would also like to add that being on a person's friend list doesn't equate with being their friend. Friends don't treat each other in this way, no matter what their disagreements.
I have one, it's my manager, and it's clearly written in my profile to write to her. But I always answer to the ones that contact me directly, to be nice to them and give faster help, instead of redirect them. I kinda think I should stop lol
oh yes i mute. bad attitudes gets a refund and a mute, and possibly a ban if i'm in a foul mood.
Persey: I've had similar, and odd, experiences like that. At some point ya feel the paranoia creeping in, as if being watched by that all-seeing eye-in-the-sky. Blam, ejected, banned. hehe
Persey: I logged in once, years ago, having
forgotten to turn off rezzing of objects and saw two dots in the sky. Wtf? I flew up and saw this elaborate spread: A home, fully landscaped, two cars in the make-shift garage, fountain out front, pool out back. I hovered there for several minutes, astonished at how brazen their efforts were. LOL
please tell me you took great pleasure in hitting the RETURN ALL button
Corvi: Very much so, yes. I had confronted them - politely at first - being curious and all - but the guy got hostile. Well, that ended that. ^_^
it just amazes me. I had someone wandering thru my house that informed me that because I didn't have ban lines up, that gave her the RIGHT to go wherever she wanted on my properly. I informed her otherwise with a parcel ban.