Obligatory "no I haven't died yet" plurk. Also, if I'm honest, an I-miss-everyone plurk. How is everyone?
latest #14
6 years ago
pretty good \o/ having great slow burn type stuff happening in game and adoring the fact that I finally get to write Adela getting pissed off over something stupid. Also taking a tax course IRL
6 years ago
How have you been?
mostly busy
I'm at the library every day till evening working on my thesis
I haven't been doing much else, but at least I'm progressing at a reassuring speed. fingers crossed I might be done by summer
I'm also trying to find the time and energy finally to do some creative writing as well. I haven't, since spring. But during summer I had a lot of drawing inspiration and I managed to work out some minor details of my novel so there's at least that. Not much, really. I'm also continuing my greek course
oh and I sent an annoying piece of shit to hell.
6 years ago
I'm glad things are mostly going well, though annoying piece of shit?
just this guy who was as mature as a 12 yo
nothing too bad, just small annoying details that built up gradually until I finally decided it's not worth my time
6 years ago
tho that time when he decided to show up uninvited at my door twice was a pretty big deal breaker as well
6 years ago
...what. you do NOT do that to people! show up unannounced... that's rude
6 years ago
glad you're making headway on things, though! :3
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