days like today make me want to just kill all of my coworkers and live a life on the run
latest #14
discrete bees✨
6 years ago
oh boy
i was so nice and coordinated a group interview for some of our stores
bc they were having trouble finding seasonal people and i only need to get one more person
it's tomorrow
the understanding was that we would all bring candidates to talk to
i am the only one that called to schedule people
and one of the other stores backed out, but didn't tell me until i texted to ask why he wasn't responding to my messages about tomorrow
the other store that's still coming is just planning to mooch off the few folks i already have lined up
discrete bees✨
6 years ago
like l m a o why do i even bother with these tools
either way i hate everyone in this district except for one person
i want to quit and run away to a foreign land
and by that i mean the pnw
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