7 years ago
That awkward moment when people think you are offended over an opinion on a dress. For the record I am not. Lol. No need to IM me and tell me about feminism and slit shaming.. It was a game guys. And the dress was trashy.. That why I like it. 😂😂
latest #8
7 years ago
I love you Lmao
7 years ago
Yeah someone sent del a NC over it too lol
7 years ago
I had a note card about like the antiquated standards of feminism and slut shaming
7 years ago
I imed del all like.. Fyi I don't care.. All is good in the hood.
7 years ago
Good I'm glad you two talked but omg
7 years ago
I'm so sorry to you both for it
7 years ago
But i guess thank you to the people that are worried and care about me. But no need to harass Dell. It is just a game. Lol. Please leave del alone
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