Porg Herder
7 years ago
Looking at the GRE Literature in English Subject Test Scores practice book and I'm just .
latest #6
Porg Herder
7 years ago
I don't recognize half the stuff they're talking about and some of the references they use I've not even read.
Porg Herder
7 years ago
And I'm just like "author? How the fuck should I know?" Apparently I should know.
Porg Herder
7 years ago
It's been over fifteen years since I studied some of this stuff!
Porg Herder
7 years ago
And I never got the hang of theory.
Porg Herder
7 years ago
well... I've got a year...?
Porg Herder
7 years ago
Not even going to look at the GRE
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