7 years ago
I barely RP anymore but... meh. CR Questions
latest #40
7 years ago
Waaaaade 3, 6, 8, 9, 17, AND 18.
7 years ago
7 years ago
alright this'll take me some time LMAO <3 hehe
7 years ago
I figured I'd enable you to distract yourself from your work a TINY bit
7 years ago
you are the bestest thank you
7 years ago
3) Oh lord. Where to begin. LOL. Wade is terrified that once he bares 100% of himself, good and bad, that Peter will be overwhelmed and leave. I think that's a fear that looms in the back of his mind a lot. Wade is super scared that his bad mental health days will be so horrible that Peter will realize that Wade isn't worth the time or effort.
7 years ago
That's why he tries so hard to hide when the boxes show up again. Wade is also terrified of Peter dying. Peter's mortality gives him nightmares. He knows that he would snap and whatever villain murdered Peter (if that was what happened) would be flayed alive. Wade would make it as painful as he possibly could. And then the guilt would compound because he'd
7 years ago
know that Spiderman wouldn't want him to kill anybody. It would obliterate Wade. Wade is immortal. He knows that there is a 100% chance that some day Peter will die and Wade will be left by himself and that is a hard thing for him to accept. Even if he does try to hide that from Peter. Peter doesn't need anymore shit to worry about.
7 years ago
6. Grabbing Peter's ass? Just wandering around all day with his hands glued to Peter's ass, yes. hahaha. Okay for serious though. He would start the day like that, but he would honestly go save people and live vicariously through Spiderman. A big part of Wade is that he always wanted to be a hero, but he never felt he was good enough. People have always used
7 years ago
Wade one way or another. The military used him until it broke him. Then the only job he could get was mercenary work afterward.(Which still pisses me off. He was dishonorably discharged for refusing to do something fucked up & that is why he can't get a normal job? Really?) & the only reason he started mercenary work back in the day is because he was assured
7 years ago
that the people he murdered would deserve it. People always had their own agenda with him & have used him. That's a big part of why I'm not necessarily a fan of Cable and Deadpool's relationship. Cable manipulated Wade a lot whereas I feel like Peter wouldn't. Wade doesn't need another person using his trust in them or his inability to realize how fucked up
7 years ago
something is because of his mental illness against him. So yeah. Wade would take his time interacting with civilians and other heroes and see how different those interactions are compared to when he was Deadpool. He would revel in the life that I feel like he originally wanted when he was younger and was never able to have. He would revel in being
7 years ago
accepted and getting to see what his life could have been for 24 hours and then he would go back to being an outcast that nobody wanted to be around and that everybody used. Phew. This one made cry lol.
7 years ago
because my replies are gargantuan & plurk can't handle how big they are (insert deadpool winkie face here) i'm going to screenshot what i typed up in notepad instead lol
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
ROBIN. I have so many spideypool feels. jesus.
7 years ago
also to elaborate a little more on #3... Wade constantly thinks that he isn't good enough for Peter, so he's basically waiting for the other shoe to drop. So that's another fear that looms over him at all times.
7 years ago
G o d why are you slaying me like this
7 years ago
right? I can't stop thinking about #6 lol. i was literally shaking toward the end of that one because it pained me so bad to go off into deadpool's headspace in that scenario
7 years ago
Aww oh my god >.< poor Wade, jeez. We still have to play out our version of that comic line, you know the one where he kills Peter Parker? asdfghjkl it kills me
7 years ago
oh god. i forgot about that. we really do need to :< it's gonna make me weep though
7 years ago
no pain no gain
7 years ago
but gosh i just love identity porn so much
7 years ago
dude same. identity porn ftw
7 years ago
7 years ago
we should start a thread for the murdering of peter parker lmao
7 years ago
I mean. I’m certainly not gonna protest ;3
7 years ago
Did you finish your classwork? ;P
7 years ago
yes i did but it starts again tomorrow LOL. i'm going to try to cram the first 4 days of the week so i have 3 days off this week lolz
7 years ago
bruh i know that FEEL
7 years ago
luckily i am on fall break for the next two dayyys
7 years ago
but i actually have to do shit tomorrow
7 years ago
BUT: tonight i am freeeee
7 years ago
i don't get fall break :< my college is year round loool. I get a week or two off around christmas & another week or two during the summer
7 years ago
okay so it's 2 weeks around christmas. 1 week around spring break & 1 in the summer xD so weird
7 years ago
7 years ago
i mean, i guess you finish in half the time but g o s h
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