Holly is
6 years ago
still wondering WTF I was thinking, to go back to college at the age of 54. Oh yeah, I want that degree. Still not sure the $$$ cost is going to be worth it by the time I graduate. :-\
latest #10
6 years ago
What are you taking your degree in? And how far along?
Holly says
6 years ago
I am only just starting this term (last month.) Right now taking gen ed. In a year, assuming I can get into the program, I would be starting nursing core classes towards my RN license. I eventually want to get my BA in nursing with an informatics specialty.
Holly says
6 years ago
I have an associates degree from waaay back (1993) as a paralegal, but the school I graduated from wasn't ABA accredited. If I wanted a BA or BS in legal studies, I'd have to start over from scratch there too. At least with nursing, there's a few loan assistance programs (after I get out and start working)
that could repay some of my tuition.
Holly says
6 years ago
and I have to do loans. My previous schooling maxed out my Pell eligibility. At least I got a couple of small scholarships from the school. That helped.
6 years ago
Good luck!
Holly says
6 years ago
dkronfeld: :-) thanks!
6 years ago
I spent 18 years getting my BSN. Absolutely worth it. And informatics will make you VERY popular. Anyone who likes to crunch the numbers is going to be in great demand for co-investigator.
6 years ago
There is so much variety in nursing you will certainly find something that you love, and you may be surprised to discover others in your class who are your age as well.
6 years ago
There is also public health or Commission Corp that can help pay back your student loans.
Holly says
6 years ago
Fogwoman: :-) yep. And the hubby wants to retire back home to West Virginia someday. Every hospital in the area qualifies as underserved and I'd be tuition repayment eligible to a large extent.
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