oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
I'm recovering from PRK (like LASIK) eye surgery, and have been listening to Outlander book 4 and now 5. just watched the Outlander show from this last weekend, and want to talk about it. spoilers ahead, with book versus show discussion, too.
latest #13
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
So okay. We see in this episode that folks definitely know that about the Jamie/Willie connection. I'm kinda bummed about how overt they made it, and I much preferred the book version where the baby is dangled out the window rather than threatened with a knife.
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
I disliked that in the after-look portion, they'd decided that Jamie wouldn't have had the rosary to give to Willie, explaining it's because out would have been taken, rather than that he'd been communicating with Jenny and she sent it to him.
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
I missed Geneva's blackmailing him with the letter from Jenny, and it felt like he was a bit too willing to bed her (but I felt like that in the book, too, when he's on round 3). I feel like Isabelle is a much more sympathetic character on screen versus being minor to obscure in the book.
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
and while I hate to be the one to nay say detail, the Brianna actress IS NOT TALL ENOUGH, damnit. Also, I'm loving Roger.
6 years ago
I don't know this show at all, but I wish you a fast recovery on your eye surgery. hugs
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
I'm interested to see how the Murtagh-as-Innes works out, because I can't imagine him doing some of the things Innes does, since Innes is a fisherman, and Murtagh a fighter.
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
Zaafir: aww, thank you! I'm squinting a bit while healing, but it's been awesome for audio books!
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
Oh, and Kala_Bijoux, Murtagh and BJR both die at Culloden, though we definitely don't see BJR and Jamie fight there like in the show. Jamie just wakes with BJR's head in his lap (gah).
6 years ago
the audio books are a great idea, I love the story and wanted to review the books but they are a bit of a laborious read to do a 2nd or 3rd time
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
SparkleSkye: I've read them all at least twice, and the first 4 about 6 times each. :/
6 years ago
I read the first few twice but I am not caught up
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
SparkleSkye: I read 1-6 kinda straight through the first time. I was a bit obsessed. the audio books are good, but (and maybe it's me) they kinda show writing deficiencies more readily than book reading. book 3 used "dryly" and "wryly" so often I began to hear it in every sentence (real or imagined)
6 years ago
Olaenka: I don't love their choice for Brianna either. I always pictured her much taller and with a more powerful build. And frankly, redder hair. Of course, I always pictured Claire as much rounder but I've grown to love the actress that plays her so who knows.
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