Hmmm who should I play
now i just gotta figure out which acct my elliot alt is even on
...GOT IT IN ONE i'm good at this
i gotta make a new acccuont
wanders to go see if I remember my account
though I might need a new account, too
YES.... I am almost back to my hotel!
needlemouse if that wasn't obvious by the fact that i made the plurk
SHOULD I USE AYUMU... or someone else.
btw I think for future endeavors we might wanna cap at 10? Anything more than gets crowded and not fun.
I came in right on time this time

Do we have to ping ourselves?
it helps with the counting
It makes it easier to count, but I've got count right now.

(we all know how hard counting is)
actually I'm not in for this first round, I redact my mebe
(or whoever you were going to play as my brain went Poff)
poff protection squad represent
Please offer me some role reqs because if I'm setting up I have No Idea what I'm doing
ok lemme quick scarf down some food and i'll get us a setup! feel free to keep suggesting things although i suggest only 1 more maf role
someone needs to don the fishnets
never forget kazuma and machias
/which char should he play
hmm should I be Leon or Heero
neither of Leon's loves are here
i mean you dont have to have the ship present to rp a character, its fun to make new connections
Heero needs more CR anyway
hrm let me see which one is active when I log in
meh I'll stay as Leon I enjoyed CAH with him earlier
he can be traumatised from it still
...i'm laughing i just realized elliot's taller than him
...tbf most people are taller than Leon
yes, i am bringing elliot!
5'4" here but HE WILL TAKE THAT INCH
Ris will be bitter, however, I'm sure
before any of you say "tori," keep in mind that you'd be getting an au tori in regular tori's body
au tori in regular tori's body sounds awks for tori
Tori's probably in the AU Tori's body lbr
speaking of tols i hope yall are ready for 10 ft ornstein's first mafia game
in this game: elliot faints immediately out of sheer Stress
And I'm set up for Sengo, so that'll be awkward for everyone, hahahaha
elliot is done after seeing 2 dragons in 1 day
"dragon problems huh. need with that" -ornstein, probably
we sealed god in a ramune bottle and then there were two dragons and i have bARELY EVEN GOTTEN TO NAP AND NOW I AM HERE
I will probably be Ellie from TLOU!
NO they were good dragons

So, everyone, please be nice to her. Her world is kinda fucked up
"we sealed god in a ramune bottle" that is the best place to seal something
listen. some shit went down in ukimiya.
ramune, the best drink for weebs
anyway i am playing him as if it's been like at LEAST a couple days since uki ended and not. like he's still there which canonically he still is but ssssh
Karu sez, with a ramune bottle in hand
Wonder if this Tori would be more or less willing to kill
who will be the yandere arsonist
just casually tosses Ayumu in like. in the midst of cooking or something idek
in case ppl need to know what ornstein looks like
I am so sorry for Gilded Tori.
She currently has no one who would reel her back in, and she's taking full advantage.
(You know, maybe a little.)
who are all of these people, what is this talk of gods
Two kids who just came out of a game where they actually slaughtered each other once a week for two months, thought no one was ever coming back until magic bullshit happened, and the god that put them through it and then tried to kill them
Leon cares not for your deities
he's gonna chill with sword friend and lion face friend should Gilded Tori point out the idea of revenge or
Smol Pink and Cas would be Proud
someone other than Smol Pink called him "cool"
while this happens I'm gonna get some ice cream
needlemouse i'm getting super distractio but i'm still here
... i will play mako, even though ellie was fun
do I want to stick with Leon
alana is too busy being in star trek hell
Leon did ask for player-based mercy...
so because Leon made a new friend, I'll be nice to him
yeah I hope he doesn't get used to it
oh shit I am too late for moidah
hypothetical here's where you go to make new accts, when the game's over! it's under "accounts" (hopefully obviously), when you go in you should see a thing for alternate accounts on the side
everyone took a moment of silence for Orn's fallen friends
switching back to Leon because I was nice, Heero kind of made another friend
I HAVE OTHER CHARACTERS I CAN PLAY but i'm enjoying the elliot train and also he said like 2 things to orn and now i want them to make CR
they have an acquaintance in common with gwyndolin at least
yes, although idk if elliot's previous maf memories have filtered back in or not -- KITTY
oh speaking of which i should. feed mine......
Kitty grabbed my hand to lick
well, i had an idea if you want me to go for it, of ornstein asking if elliot is the same elliot that gwyndolin may have mentioned off-screen to ornstein
I should make a list for my characters for their Maf CR just so I can remember who Leon and Heero have and haven't actually met
because my memory is shit
100% guaranteed to make Ainsley cry
i should rework tori and jeb's cr charts entirely
for that wiki thing that Kay made I should put their CR charts or whatever on my chars' pages
(which. I need to redo Leon's page a little bit.)
I wish y'all could hear the convo Cas and Leon are having
kini, fashionably late as always
Leon is discovering that Elliot, like Mukky, has no indoor voice and just loudly whispers everything
there are so many convos going on at once rn
needlemouse man i can't remember what backstory convos we had
guys is it bad that I'm starting to ship Elliot and Mako
why not add one more dude to the growing pile of people i have half-jokingly shipped him with lmfao
just remember what happens when you joke ship
we are prolly gonna do at least one more after this so no
Gilded Tori has so much sympathy for the Uki kids. ...then again, she'd have sympathy for Elliot either way. Gilded Tori or normal one, there's no way anyone who reminds her that much of Jeb is going to get her harsher side.
I TOLD you he was basically musical Jeb
It's especially important with Gilded Tori because Jeb and Vincent are the only factors she feels make everything worth it back home, sob
apparently if you want Leon's role, you have to bribe with kisses
whenever you guys play again Leon is a filthy traitor
if it boots you you can get back in
Functional Site Competent People etc
needlemouse one last game for me and then I bed like a reasonable individual
now that nephew's gone home
11... rip any ideas of 10-cap but OK
role req me or i'm just filling this with guns
too bad tyoma isn't here he always gets the fake gun
"Leon's probably at least a decent person outside of this," Gilded Tori says, thinking about the time she trusted her husband to not completely break her Dad figure
ask Sara, she will tell you Leon is Okay
also Chal will vouch for Leon's Okayness
gonna bring Ayumu again because music bros
it's kind of funny because Heero was all DON'T TRUST ANYONE and then Leon made Cas learn that lesson the hard way
because why would Leon lie to Cas???
Oh if we have too many then take me out
nah, I gotta go to bed soon
well i mean i gotta go to bed after this but i just mean next time we play
...I see why we wanted to cap the maf games...
this is also why the game is full of guns
so we can all kill each other?
my will for Leon is great
Christ, Who's Gonna Die First
my will for tori is also great
i'm also glad tori's last will (the edited version, but still) was seen
if Leon dies Cas will have a gun to avenge his death
it was originally "one cop, two cops, dead cop, one cop" but then the other cop bit the dust before her.
I cannot believe Leon had Cas protect him and he was fucking mafia
so then it became "one cop, two cops, dead cop, dead cop, no cops?"
I'm gonna prep for the flood of red text as people bite it
I'm guessing maf is still plotting?
this is a beautiful trainwreck
elliot is drowning in dudes and i'm laughing
Alright, that's it for me this evening
what even was that last game
I'm so glad we're getting to murder again
I have nothing else to do really so I can murder more
I just realised this is the third maf game Leon's gone yan in
two as arsonist and one as stongman
once you go yan you can't go back