whachu writing
6 years ago
35 MINUTES TO WRITING SPRINT blast off hold the lineee
latest #55
mm maybe I got the days wrong, am at werk
whachu writing
6 years ago
oo ok
whachu writing
6 years ago
i wonder if maybe the timezone function does it wrong
oh bugger
whachu writing
6 years ago
whachu writing
6 years ago
it seems i may a goin alone but thass ok
whachu writing
6 years ago
it also seems i missed the 00 mark o well
whachu writing
6 years ago
6 years ago
no i did it! 298.
whachu writing
6 years ago
oh hello good job
whachu writing
6 years ago
i did 356
whachu writing
6 years ago
i think this scene is too long cuz im just yelling at clouds
whachu writing
6 years ago
did you write 300 words on your phone?!
nice job cheerleads
6 years ago
yeah i did!
wow that's incredible, good job!
thanks brooklyn
6 years ago
i wrote a bad poem that hopefully i can turn into a good poem at some point
oh that's cool!!
i dont think anyones written poems yet
do you have a fav line from it so far
aw nooo im like half an hour late i think
6 years ago
quick do your sprint right now!!!
like 5 super sloppy words
ahhh yay writing writing you guys are champions
fyi guys ... LITERALLY THE ONLY COMPLETE GREEN TIME SLOT (i.e., everyone presumably available) this week is tomorrow at 8PM PST/11PM EST/1PM AEST/3PM NZST. except for me, cuz i might (but may not!) still be at my sister's fancy party
but i think that's so cool...
that even if i can't write because i'm otherwise engaged i'll post it for you guys!
also a recommendation
dont just do one sprint
sprints work best when you have like three w little breaks in between
thats how i get anything done tbh
i dig it!
puddingandpie thwip brooklyn is already here apothanate ambles
oh my god plurk please DO NOT fuck up this account again
in the ye olde tags when i did nanowrimo and hung out in the iirc chat, we'd just do a series of sprints and crank out quantity
ooh ok
yes im in
I'LL ACTUALLY BE HERE TOO i think i hope unless someone kidnaps me away
6 years ago
yeah i am used to writing sprints that are like, on the hour for multiple hours
6 years ago
in a row
6 years ago
tho also you do way more organization than im used to on twitter haha
6 years ago
anyway yay a countdown is so much better than wrangling timezones. i should be around unless i have a sunday lunch come up
realizing being pinged to this old plurk could be very
sorry team
chinatown out
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