7 years ago
Hi guys! Just putting a recommendation here - if you're looking for someone to teach 1-1 lessons in Blender and such, I wholeheartedly recommend anemysk - she's a sweetie and if I was starting out, or want to brush up your skills, learn something new - she's your gal!
latest #6
M-Doll0809A says
7 years ago
Thank you! Where have you been?
7 years ago
I'll have to keep that in mind. Blender hurts me.
7 years ago
slutrix: I'm at Uni full time studying video game art, about to start my second year - keeping my grades good means I don't have much time for SL anymore, but it'll be worth it ;D
M-Doll0809A says
7 years ago
Keep it up, I hope you'll have a great career ahead!
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