whachu writing
7 years ago
15 MINUTES TIL WRITING SPRINT sorry I got sleepy and missed the mark
latest #90
oh my god is this plurk going to work this time
hey i'm actually here for this one
oh yay lindsey!! ... when is your flight
oh holy shit this plurk is actually auto-updating for me
tomorrow at 8:30 am haha
so yano i have to get up at like.. 3 am
i have a 6AM flight myself
oh jesus...
oh man that's worse tho
at least my airport is only 20min away
so... i think your life actually is a little bit harder
mine is only about 40 minutes away but it's an international flight so
we have to be there about 5:30
oh yeah that's rough, mine is in the US
haha yeah i figured. OH WELL we'll both make it through
t'challa will
7 years ago
i knocked on wood
oh good call
knocks on wood too
ugh im so relieved this dumbass plurk is working again, that was getting really annoying to me
omg i know
we clearly benefit from the social support component of this
plurk pls
yes exactly
ok go!!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ok i think we're done
flops back here
214 this time
although i left some blank spaces for names/titles i haven't decided on yet lmfdjsk
whoa you are definitely ramping up, that is a sharp curve
it's getting easier!
also it was a lot of dialogue lmfdsjk
i got 420 ... ... which seems symbolic of what i should do next to unwind. i'm surprised i'm writing so much but tbh none of it is structured or has plot, i think i'm just letting myself ramble like in tags. which is nice! i guess it's good to get into the flow without worrying about technical things
OH dialogue is good
do you feel like that's helping you with character voices
rambling is good too :> word vomit first and structure later
ye! kind of lol
the protag isn't saying much yet it's mostly ppl talking around him
your protag a quiet feller
he's in a precarious situation
but he's not usually quiet... i don't think
nice. then its setting up atmosphere it sounds like
and getting us worried for him
yayyy np bro
i'm away tomorrow but next week we should be able to pick up
ye exactly
what are you working on tho china
i've been percolating and sort of slowly crapping together a story that kind of commemorates my friend who passed away last year. ... INCIDENTALLY FOR SOME REASON parts of it take place in new jersey? but yeah it's about 4 part/asian boys who live in NJ then one day the whole city empties out of people and the geography gets screwed up
like foreign places seeming to pop in
and they're trying to figure out wtf happened and survive
oh man that sounds awesome
if you ever have nj q's i'm here for you haha
omg thank you i really appreciate that
part of me is like WHY DID I SET IT IN NJ and the truth is one of them is a 16-yo EMT and not many states allow that. NJ is one of them! i'm super dumb. SHRUGS!!!!!
LOL i didn't know nj allowed that
but hey just means you get to do fun research
googles things, calls it research, ignores if she gets it wrong!!!! writing in the 21st century!!
i'll fact check for you
i wanted to write a story that relied heavily on new orleans culture and one day i hope to actually go there and get a feel for it
oh yeah absolutely. tbh i did think briefly about visiting NJ when i started this... maybe i will at some point
i know you and a few other people there i think
oh balls also, the next writing sprint is in 5 hours from now! 8PM PST, 11PM EST, 3PM NZST
i may be sleeping but if for some reason i'm awake i will join
yeah i hope you sleep but if not you're more than welcome its really cool to see your word count gradually increasing
ty friend
ofc b
whats your protagonists name btw
but i have to think of a last name...
family names in fantasyland is hard
ooh yeah good luck w that linds
ty ty
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