7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Working today until 5:45. Then home for the next four days of wind! Rain! Hurricane! We're not expecting an abundance of guests today. Likely just resort guests looking for the last hurrah before the parks are closed for 2days.
latest #16
7 years ago
/HUGS! You and Erin be safe!
7 years ago
You all be safe!
7 years ago
I do have a question - what happens to the guests in the resort's?
7 years ago
*resorts, stupid phone
7 years ago
They're sheltered in place. There's Cast there that will keep them entertained. They'll have bagged food and the ppv Disney Movie channel is switched on so they've got movies for the kids to watch. It is frankly the safest place in Fla to be right now.
7 years ago
Wow, I had no idea. Scary yet sort of exciting at the same time. I hope you all stay safe and sheltered
7 years ago
Will the resorts accommodate employees if needed?
7 years ago
Only the ride-out crews. That's the Cast members who sign up to make sure things are hurricane ready and stay until storm passes to do any cleanup and get the parks ready to open. They also have ride-out crews at the resorts who help entertain guests and get the resorts storm ready.
7 years ago
Hmm, ok. I was just thinking that they might help out employees who were not working but in the path of the storm. Too much to ask!
7 years ago
I imagine being part of the ride-out crew would be hard work
7 years ago
Most Cast will be in their homes.
7 years ago
The ride out crew is both exhausting and fun! But you're paid the entire time and usually rideout crews are there 24/7. As I was leaving tonight they were starting to come in, suitcases in tow.
7 years ago
I just thought everyone was evacuating. Huh
7 years ago
Okay, that does sound pretty cool, being a part of that crew
7 years ago
People on the coasts are evacuating. In the middle it's not as necessary. We're not in flood zones.
7 years ago
Ah, okay. Obviously my Florida geography is not up to specs
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