Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
latest #27
somehow this is relatable
on so many levels
Hi my love
7 years ago
At Your Service
7 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
I miss my val cuddles
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
Val is dead
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
This is what you get
I'll just cuddle the dead val body then
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
That's gross
and I should care why?
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
Because you're not supposed to be gross
I'm always gross what are you talking about? no i'm not ohohoho
okay okay XD space.
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
yes you are
lolololl make up yo mind !!!!!
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago
You are
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