7 years ago
[star wars/rp] the opening of the new Leia book kept reminding me of my own preteen Jacen. he was always the one most like mom, after all
latest #9
7 years ago
man i love this book Leia is such a badass.
7 years ago
and her mom too danggggg.
Squad Mom
7 years ago
I've been thinking about buying this one
I am going to have to get this one. Because I've heard Breha shows up.
Squad Mom
7 years ago
Only one place had it and I WANTED it but no sales. I knew I could get it off Amazon or somewhere like that
7 years ago
Breha shows up and not only kicks butt but basically out thinks everyone.
FUCK YEAH. Organas are the best
All I want is Breha to get enough canon to make her appable.
6 years ago
ThriceWiddershins: i think the new FACPOV anthology has a Breha story, so there's extra background! But yeah, this Leia book has excellent Breha. Excellent everything!
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