sorry, kinda fell off the grid with work and fixing up the house and dealing with a teething pupper
And you, of course!
I'm doing all right! Exhausted and a little discouraged with the work sitch, but I'm hoping to change that once I get this surgery over with
and weehhh big pupper is still adorbs
the smoke from the fires this summer is out of control
aaah I was wondering how you were doing! I noticed you weren't around as much.
But I am glad you and the pupper are doing well overall 8D
(for perspective, there's a mountain two miles away in that picture ... you can just barely make out the outline of it in that shot. At night, you can see the ash floating in the air like ice crystals in winter)
I guess I kinda fell into the introvert hole, but I'll try to peek in at least on the daily because I miss y'all
Nah it's okay. I know the feel. I've been peeking in on plurk but not really making plurks so I know this feel /sweats +_+
yeah I was doing that for a while, too, but just kinda got exhausted with even that much ... idek. I don't mean to hermit, but there you go
doc bumped up my dose of happy pills too, so hopefully that'll kick in here shortly
surgery is still on for the 12th as far as I know, so I think I will have time to sit on plurk and rub my face on everyone
hello hello <333 I missed you too! I hope you have gotten much justice done since we last spoke
I'm glad you're alive! I've missed you!
I think we're getting smoke from your fires, rip
also holy crap... I can see mountains ten miles away from my window
I've missed you too, Jackie! How is Texas treating you? Austin's out of the danger zone, right?
Man, one of my favorite minions finally left her job here to go to college ... in Houston
she's been there like a week
fortunately she's got family on higher ground that she could evacuate to, but from the sound of it they might get boned too
Austin's been fine! The first night it looked like our backyard was gonna flood, but the waters went down from there and we're back to business as usual. Otherwise Texas is Texas. Not my favorite place to live but definitely not my least favorite of the places I've been.
I hope your minion and her family are doing okay.
anarin I'm sorry ... it's super miserable. Our air hasn't been lower than flat 'unhealthy' for the last week and a half, but there's at least one town still evacuated due to hazardous levels of smoke so ... take what we can get, right?
YEAH usually you can see the elkhorns and all the other mountains surrounding the valley but you haven't been able to see the distant ones for like a month and half the time you can't even see the elkhorns.
Gah. I'm sorry about your air quality.
It looks like we're being surrounded by The Nothing tbh
I'm sorry I can't take tylenol/ibuprofin for the next two weeks
the smoke gives me awful headaches, and waking up is a miserable experience
it feels like back when I was a dedicated smoker tbh; the dry throat and burning eyes and all the rest
I've had to step up my allergy meds
and we're only getting a fraction of it
woof ... I can't imagine what it's like for people with respiratory issues
it does make for some pretty sunsets tho
eew sorry you're dealing with the smoke
(also what a precious pupper)
He's such a doofy boy, I love him so much