I'm so glad to be out of the hospital, never been admitted in my entire life up until now but I'm glad I went. I was in for blood clotting in my leg and pieces broke up and went to my lungs. If your leg ever starts to feel like it's petrifying and it's swelling, don't wait...go seek medical attention immediately.
latest #16
6 years ago
geebus, Garrett, wth dude, stop that
I'm sure a lot of you have common sense and know how to take care of yourselves but I'm young and never thought something like this could happen to me and all of us are at risk of this happening since many of us sit a lot at computers.
6 years ago
how long you been in?
I was in for 4 days, I was so scared at first but as I learned more I stopped freaking out.
It could have been way worse if I had tried to wait longer or was older and had other health complications but I'm otherwise healthy and that was the only thing.
II Vixie II
6 years ago
II Vixie II
6 years ago
glad you are better!! scary thing to deal with - blood clots are no joke!
Yeah, they aren't. Luckily for me I didn't have the type that would cause the highest risk of a heart attack/stroke. There are two types and the kind I have aren't in my arteries.
6 years ago
Geez, Garrett!! glad you are ok!!
Yelo Uriza
6 years ago
I'm glad that you are ok
6 years ago
goodness! glad you're okay now!
Thank you ladies
Take care of yourself
6 years ago
Oh shit! I'm glad you're out of it now.
6 years ago
I'm super glad you're ok 💕
h ULee Weener
6 years ago
wow that must have been a shocker i hope you feel better, be carefull there is only one garreticious
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