Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I really ought to change my display name and picture.
latest #36
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
I've had these forever.....and I don't even actively play Zaveid. xD so like ....yeah
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
What to change it to?
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I don't even know.
At Your Service
6 years ago
You'll think of something
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Ive been thinking for WEEKS
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
So no...I won't.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
and why, BG? xD
6 years ago
Because Koenma XD And Yusuke
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
But Koenma isn't active either...and I totally wasted time writing his app cause he went no where xD
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Im so good at this game
6 years ago
aww /pets
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
It's cool. I'm used to writing apps for nothing lmao
6 years ago
lol true
6 years ago
that happened with the last app I wrote from scratch, it torn to pieces in a really nasty way. >>
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Waaaaat? Seriously?
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Why nasty? Why not neutral?
6 years ago
Basically they didn't like that my character had an obsession and that that's the defining trait and reason for literally everything he does
6 years ago
I'm not even exaggerating, EVERYTHING this character does is for this other person
6 years ago
defective detective
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
HE'S NOT DEFECTIVE (that's Yusuke)
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
fireduck: sounds....petty.......
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Like....really? That's not an uncommon trait in fiction. xD
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Mine is still Toph. It's been Toph since I first made the account, even though I'm not actively playing her.
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
If I were to change it now, I'm not sure if people would know who I was. XD
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
I've only ever changed my username once, too.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I would know.....
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Because of your twistofmoirae
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
XD Yep, I switched to that from Toph. But if I changed both . . . look out.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I will find you
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
xD twist of moirae
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
annnnd I just pinged some stranger. ooops
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Hope its a dead account cause mine is uh...yeah. xD A pleasant surprise
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