...Y...yeah, Roman, you are absolutely right!
I have only managed to summon Chaotic Evil characters thus far, but maybe my luck will change when I pull for the dumpling craft essences.
Good luck on getting someone less Chaotic Evil, Yoob.......
I saved up 30 gems for the chance to start with dumpling boosts and also the chance for Marie.
I didn't get any new Heroic Spirits, but I got a couple dumpling CEs and also a seventh copy of Kiyohime.
I can't level up your Noble Phantasm any harder, Kyiohimr, you can stop stalking my summoning.
Two summon tickets mean two more +2 dango CEs. Looks like I'll be able to place them on all of my supports at this rate!
Sure glad that the most efficient grinding is on the 5 AP quest, because I just got wiped. Maybe I'll be able to do it with my non-dango-hunting squad setup and Silvie's Jeanne.
(I'd blame it on my strongest being a Lancer and it's full of Sabers, but it wasn't that close.)
(I mean, I did just start a little over a week ago, so I'm not entirely SURPRISED that I didn't breeze through it.)
Yeah, it's nice that low-AP is efficient... if a little tedious with loading screens.
Yeah, it's not especially time-efficient, but it is at least consistent.
So I used the three Summon Tickets that I got over the event grinding and, uh.