Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Okay. Time to work on this app.
latest #38
At Your Service
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Its uh...gonna be weird writing about a character this dark
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Im so used to protags at this point
At Your Service
6 years ago
Good luck channel all of that darker side you have within you!
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
xD Oi
At Your Service
6 years ago
What? Dig deep into the dark side!
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
hahaaha you can look at the app xD
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
It's already getting there
At Your Service
6 years ago
I'll look at it later! If I remember to on lunch otherwise when I'm back at home I'll read it over.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
/rubs face ugh.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
xD Slow
At Your Service
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I think I'm done.
At Your Service
6 years ago
That was fast
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Ahahaha yeaaaaaah
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Idk... I guess he was easy to write.
At Your Service
6 years ago
Good, because you seemed nervous lol
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
xD Only because of the content
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Who are you wooing??
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Dammit autocorrect
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Nishi Joichiro from Gantz
I don't know him but I watched the recent movie!!
It was actually pretty good but I'm assuming the manga is more complicated
At Your Service
6 years ago
wooing (laughs)
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Which movie? Gantz:-o?
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Dammit Plurk
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Gantz: O
Yeah! I watched it pretty much the day it came out on Netflix
At Your Service
6 years ago
Autocorrect can be such a troll though, it's amusing what it can do
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Ah yeah. That's pretty much AU of the Osaka hunt arc.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
It's much more complicated in the manga
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