Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
When your friends make your life more complicated because this is DCMK drama for you.
latest #37
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Sorry, Heiji. XD
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
You are friends with a complicated guy, so it will invite complicated drama.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
It's easier to deal with in their setting. xD Not so much in this setting
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
So true. And she's going to make them work for it.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Oh yeah....Lel and I will probably have to talk this out at some point xD So we're on the same page about the dishonesty
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
and what kind of lies are being conjured
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
just got home
6 years ago
and yeah, Conan's going to have to fill Heiji in on what lies they're telling
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
If he wants consistency, he better.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Annnnd there it is
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Specific questions.
6 years ago
uh oh
6 years ago
Conan maybe should have told Heiji earlier what his plan was
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Heiji's being vague on purpose, but it's harder to be vague with specifics xD
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Welcome home. <3
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
So they definitely haven't talked off-screen before this, then?
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Pretty sure their situation takes a slight precedence
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Should I take that as a no? XD
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
(Also, it's been a few days.)
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
(Which is not a judgment. I'm just checking. And if you say no, I will probably just shake my head at their shenanigans. ;P )
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
idk anymore xD
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
6 years ago
we could say that that was the next thing they talked about in their current thread
6 years ago
where they're still theorizing about the culprit's motications
6 years ago
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
/pokes back here, because she is curious?
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Lel made a proposition up above. ^^;
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I'm going with it lol
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Ah. ;P Okay. That's what I was curious about.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Be curious no more! Lol
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
/feels satiated
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
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