7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Doing anything perfectly, I still didn't get for what I want
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I think it's better to talkin about what I am guilty about here, it's better than telling to someone who don't understand what I feels
It feels like, I've lost my time, money and energy to the something that is not bring me a perfect result
I also wasting my time for the wrong person.
No one can appreciate me.
Alone and totally lost, that's my condition now.
When i think about this condition positively, maybe i need to change the old me.It's the time to change my bad habit and anything about my self in order to be a better person than before.But, I'm not ready yet..really.
Balancing between work and pray it's an obligation.That's what i think to survive of this condition.
Disappointment of God's destiny temporarily just come to me........but i don't know what to do and what I need to say to Him, except prayin for the best of my life.
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