7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
How fugly are the avatars in Sansar? Lol. Be honest
latest #33
♥Shikia♥ says
7 years ago
pretty darn fugly so far but there is no customisation as of yet
7 years ago
Is it like Flexy hair square boobs ten feet tall fugly?
Alicia ✿
7 years ago
LOL they're ugly. the customization is minimal right now.
7 years ago
I think it's still in beta
♥Shikia♥ says
7 years ago
well not as bad as all that but like Freya said it's still developing really
7 years ago
Did they give developers options to create content yet peaches_in_sl
7 years ago
peaches_in_sl so I shouldn't be expecting any rare pink dildos to spin around my coffee table and weird out old ladies on sl? Q.Q
7 years ago
Well that really sucks as what's the draw for some of the big creators on sl to even transfer over. Hopefully they change that soon.
7 years ago
The draw of sl has alot to do with the fact people can create and make Money, as well as be unique. So without that it's basically like.... Boring.
Alicia ✿
7 years ago
Well no one is really transferring anywhere. I think with Sansar, it's fun for them to create this experience to play around in. But once it's created, what else is there to do with it except tweak it?
7 years ago
I mean i dont want to be 9 feet tall with giant square boobs, but I would like the ability to be that of i wanted. Lol
7 years ago
peaches_in_sl well. Make sure that pink dildo gets to the top. Of your list. (LOL) (LOL) (LOL)
7 years ago
I am always excited for innovation. I just hope you are all given the chance to shine like you have on SL.
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