oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
I read this article this morning, and it resonated. I Don't Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About...
latest #10
6 years ago
I've found this argument by John Dickinson's character in the 1776 musical to sum up the right's POV pretty well: "Don't forget that most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor."
6 years ago
It's really hard to come from a Canadian perspective on this. We have such close ties to the US - my husband's American, many of my friends are, some of my extended family is... our economy is closely tied, we have US customers/clients for my business. Not only do I not know how to explain to a Trump supporting American that "you should care about others"...
6 years ago
It explains their penchant fir ignoring the realities around them in favor of a fantasy that gets them through the day.
6 years ago
6 years ago
...I also can't explain (because they won't listen) that the fears they have are proven wrong in my own country. We have universal health care. It works. We have well funded schools. It works. We have high taxes. I still have a MUCH higher quality of life than I would in the US, even if I kept more of my paycheque.
6 years ago
its not that they don't care about others. They only care about the others in their peer group. They will always look after the interests of their peers. They feel if you can beat the odds and make it to where they are then you deserve the benefits.
6 years ago
You can't be rational with someone who's outlook is solely based upon his fantasies.
6 years ago
If you can't manage to get yourself out of poverty then you don't matter. While that has a certain truth to it, there is a limit. WE all have to work together to take care of each other, within reason of course.
6 years ago
When it comes to healthcare it benefits everyone in the long run. But they apply their way of thinking to everything and it doesn't work that way.
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