Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Weak to Nuclear and my boy still doesn't want to believe in the concept of spells. xD
latest #62
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
This is a freaking crash course in supernatural
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
and its 100% not okay.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
duck bastard
6 years ago
lmao these poor logical detectives XD help them
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
When Lel and I have played them in games, they're all nicely eased into these things. Easy enough to refute, even, and just managable.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Recursion has been far from the case.
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Come over here, Heiji. Ran will whap you upside the head. (She'd do this with Shinichi, but she doesn't know who he is and he's wearing a helmet.)
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
HAHAHA You want another five part tag?
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
I can handle it. XD Bring it on.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
At this point I'm just waiting for this thing to be over so the boys can just...wallow in their lack of explanation together. xD
duck bastard
6 years ago
duck bastard
6 years ago
the recursion way :'D
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
It'll be great once they begrudingly play along.
6 years ago
Hey, if Shinichi needs more help, Sycamore is here
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
But I don't know if or when that will even happene.
duck bastard
6 years ago
chikusa will just call them inflexible idiots until then XD i'm sorry
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Ahahaa awwh, how is Sycamore supporting Shinichi?
6 years ago
He might help him out of his BSOD?
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
OKAY CHIKUSA. They'll just school you everywhere else.
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Ahaha how?
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
(I play Heiji by the way)
duck bastard
6 years ago
wow rude fight him
6 years ago
I'm still thinking of that.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Wow, no. (Chikusa might be able to antagonize him into it, though)
duck bastard
6 years ago
(watch, it'll happen)
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
(Not sure how standard kendo will work on a KHR character....probably not very. xD)
6 years ago
As for Heiji, Sycamore might support him as well.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Heijiiiiiii won't have as hard of a time as Shinichi...luckily....
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Of the two of them, Heiji is actually more in tune with his emotions, and thus kind of more open.
6 years ago
Good to hear.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
But really just waiting for aftermath threads.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
since there's not much I can do right now.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Going to do inbox tags today, too, of course.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Thread tracking is such a pain.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think Heiji would (at some point) recall something word for word or something equally ridiculous. xD
duck bastard
6 years ago
lmao the trouble with characters like that..... god damn nerds
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Stupid eidetic memory
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
It comes in really handy for certain events. but man.
duck bastard
6 years ago
You have to keep track of it XD
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
^ Exactly
6 years ago
i wonder what he would think about a creature made from alchemey and desire, whose body is actually composed from coins?
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Please no. xDDD No more. This is like...half a years worth of over exposure and it's only month 2
6 years ago
ankh doesn't keep quiet about what he is to anyone XD but just toss something over his head. he's a lot like a bird in that it shuts him up
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Heiji will just think he's a lunatic. So there
6 years ago
6 years ago
actually they are suppose to be able to get glimpses of the true awakened forms... and with ankh that means there are three different stages
6 years ago
- floaty monster bird arm
- strange armored form with one eye
- a bunch of flying medals with glowing edges
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Do you want to break him? xD I mean. I plan on apping a second character here eventually, but Heiji is not a good option for a lot of things. lol
6 years ago
nah he can always say it stress tho ankh usually sticks to his human form with the monsterous arm'
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Monster arm xD
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Oh Ankh
6 years ago
he is such a silly bird really XD so much tsundere
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Birbs are awesome...and so are tsuns
6 years ago
that they are, even if he acts like a total jerk he does care
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Jerk with a heart of... well...Ankh probably has silver.
6 years ago
well. if he had a heart instead of a weird red glowy coin medal thing
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
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