15 years ago
Just 'deep cleaned' the house. So fresh and clean up in here. :-D
latest #17
15 years ago
dragon_harrower says
15 years ago
I love how a house feels after it's been cleaned. :-D
15 years ago
omg me too, don't you feel like you can really relax too? (:
dragon_harrower says
15 years ago
after I get done, I usually want a nap. :-)
noahcounte says
15 years ago
I wish y'all would do mine, too.
dragon_harrower says
15 years ago
hahah. I'm betting you are!
noahcounte says
15 years ago
so far, on the day when I have the most to accomplish of any day this week, I've done NOTHING
noahcounte says
15 years ago
that's not true. I've done none of MY things.
dragon_harrower says
15 years ago
have you made it o the doctor yet?
noahcounte says
15 years ago
no - that happens next week
dragon_harrower says
15 years ago
I have no clue why I thought that was today. Odd. (doh)
15 years ago
OMG what is wrong with you Noah? :'-(
noahcounte says
15 years ago
Nothing is wrong with me that 48 hours of rest wouldn't cure. My wife is having her sleep study results meeting with the somnambulist Doc.
noahcounte says
15 years ago
hehe. She's OK, I think.
ellinidata says
15 years ago
that's on Monday ,no ? You still have four days for your Spring cleaning :-P
ellinidata says
15 years ago
I give away clothes and open room in our closets these days.Teens have way too many t-shirts and it seems the moment you give one away thats
ellinidata says
15 years ago
the one they want to wear on (lmao) I always claim they were lont in the laundry room
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