7 years ago
Work fired me. Workers Comp is pushing my case so SHOULD be getting reimbursed soon, but I still backowe a couple bills amounting to approx $75, as well as $200 in rent. I'm still willing to take a few commissions, and I have also set up a GoFundMe to hopefully push things forward and out of the red.

Out of Work Fund
7 years ago
I'm still willing to take a few commissions, and I have also set up a GoFundMe to hopefully push things forward and out of the red. Anything will help now. My landlord is being lenient but.. I hate being behind on bills and being unable to feed my cat. I can't give him up.
E.S. Levi
7 years ago
I'll see if I can spare anything tomorrow, replurked for now.
7 years ago
OMG.. Someone donated the ENTIRE AMOUNT.. im fucking bawling my eyes out. i... holy fuck
E.S. Levi
7 years ago
Woah O.O
7 years ago
i cant. im so fucking grateful and i dont even know exactly whom the person is. name is listed but its unfamiliar to me. but i havent stopped crying omg..