Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Okay. I think I'm ready to tackle tags today.
latest #44
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
and catch up on event things.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Sorry for the inbox spam twistofmoirae
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Poor Heiji. XD We broke his brain a little, but he did use his spell.
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
(Ran's actually did leave a scabbed over cut on his hand, though, at the end of her post.)
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Easy edit. xDD I'll get to that.
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Shinichi will have used one of his, too. So they can grumble together. XD
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
HAHAH I hope he uses brainwash so a rat explodes.
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
He is. XD
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Then their thread is going to be great.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I look forward to this.
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
/just needs a Lel
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
ahaha that is true.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I still need to tag into the boss log, too, first. mmmh. :T
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Yeah, I do too. And attack all my other tags. ^^;
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
ahahaha I plan to look into the boss log a little later though.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
When are you gonna do tags?
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
I'm not sure. Whenever I can pull up brain motivation. /a little sleepy
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Yeah. I feel you. I was up around 4ish this morning, but I didn't start tags untul about 7 (after I had some coffee)
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Why were you up at 4? ^^;
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Sleep is a fickle mistress for me.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
insomnia and all that
kokoro brokero
6 years ago
Ah. :/
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Read the boss log finally.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
I almost want them to fail.
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Beep Beep
6 years ago
If they fail someone at least move the idiots that are going to Bloody Destiny in there
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
The post has 6 replies collectively, (and hasn't it been a full day too, at least)?
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
So there should be a mod reply.
6 years ago
i think it's six per thread
6 years ago
we're trying to make combo spells
Beep Beep
6 years ago
yeah each spell needs at between 2 to six spells depending on what spell is being invoked for it to go and I think the mods noticed how slow everyone is in tagging into that log
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Ah, okay.
Beep Beep
6 years ago
I think if there were a lot more toplevels/tagging activity it would already start being counted
6 years ago
so if you have a navigator, look at the top comments and see what they are aiming for and join in :3
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Busy weekend for a lot of people I guess. (I mean. I was busy too, so yeah)
6 years ago
the one that is chikusa and ankh are going for status effects/weakening the boss
6 years ago
there are two for elemental attacks and one for another attack i dont remember the name of
Shirt Strippeur
6 years ago
Heiji is with the baiting team, last I checked. So I'm kind of waiting on those details before I involve him in anything past that.
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