fucking hell, what the fuck
"Judge Benningfield told NewsChannel 5 that he was trying to break a vicious cycle of repeat offenders who constantly come into his courtroom on drug related charges, subsequently can’t afford child support and have trouble finding jobs."
Judge Benningfield needs to read a goddamn book and then get slapped upside the head for good measure
At least it sounds like nobody's had an irreversible procedure yet under this bullshit--and what kind of desperate minor offenders are they targeting that 30 days seems like a fair trade?
i love how he skips right over the actual humane idea someone had of providing free education programs on life and family planning and goes right for the "but what if we just remove their reproductive capacity, ftw?" that just really makes the class/white supremacy sing here
...I also looked up the judge. He may be mostly doing juvenile court. He's listed as a "general sessions court judge w/ juvenile court jurisdiction"
This makes me so mad. There are 32 states that had laws like this and did sterilizations on inmates, people in mental health institutions, and poor residents who social workers ordered to be sterilized. NC did it up until 1977.
this is some Freakanomics "more abortions for poor criminals leads to less crime" bullshit