生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
"羞辱[蕩婦]"? LGPA推出新的女子服裝規定 禁止高爾夫球場上有火辣衣裝遭砲轟 - 衛報體育版 (當日點閱率第三名)
LPGA accused of 'slut-shaming' over new women's golf...深領、緊身褲、裸露性裙子都不能穿。說真的啦,穿什麼是人家的自由好嗎?
https://imgur.com/m2S4yCA.jpgFemale Golfers Are No Longer Allowed to Wear LEGGING...LPGA alerts players that a stricter dress code is co...#球場性別歧視 #刻板印象 #物化與逆物化女性 #V領 #裸露衣物汙名化 #佛印名言
latest #33
1. Racerback with a mock or regular collar are allowed (no collar = no

2. Plunging necklines are NOT allowed.

3. Leggings, unless under a skort or shorts, are NOT allowed
4. Length of skirt, skort, and shorts MUST be long enough to not see your bottom area (even if covered by under shorts) at any time, standing or bent over.
5. Appropriate attire should be worn to pro-am parties. You should be dressing yourself to present a professional image. Unless otherwise told “no,” golf clothes are acceptable. Dressy jeans are allowed, but cut-offs or jeans with holes are NOT allowed.
6. Workout gear and jeans (all colours) NOT allowed inside the ropes

7. Joggers are NOT allowed
Robert Lusetich on Twitter
"Skirt, skort & shorts MUST be long enough to not see your bottom area" My Sunday school teacher, Sister Margaret, writing #LPGA dress code?
對,羽球那個就是我剛剛貼的那個噗。當時還記得是在車上廣播聽到的,整個傻眼,"吸引男性觀眾目光"都說得出來...... 我真的不懂,都什麼年代了,還要管人穿什麼?如果能打球就好,打得好不好、會不會受傷,那是穿的人的事情了。
RDJ_OTAKU: 開始想像一堆高爾夫球男球員禿肚大叔穿子彈內褲打球的畫面
lisa206398: 支持要做就做到底,重現傳統運動精神
swn002: 靠邀白癡喔,有沒有搞錯啊?! 那這樣以後游泳賽事也不用轉播了!!!
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