生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
英國勞工一小時才賺2.5英鎊 政府被促應該要有行動 - 衛報商業版 - 衛報頭版
UK workers earning £2.50 an hour prompts call for go...Parcelforce駕駛被迫簽下合約說不允許質疑、挑戰任何雇用狀況上的問題。

Couriers for DPD said the requirement to cover the c...中獎公司名單:Parcelforce、DPD、British Car Auctions

#英國社會民生議題 #高工時與低薪資壓榨與剝削勞工權益 #快遞員 #送貨員 #貧窮薪水 #Gig_economy
latest #27
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
DPD員工為了避免被罰款而不敢就醫 最後在上班時倒下死亡

Pressure grows on DPD and Theresa May after courier ...
MPs and customers speak out after courier firm fined Don Lane for not finding cover while at doctor’s appointment
#首相 #糖尿病 #保險賠償 #延誤就醫
DPD將給予駕駛員有薪病假並取消病假罰金 - 衛報商業版頭條
DPD to offer couriers sick pay and abolish fines aft...
Hermes faces legal fight with some drivers over work...
In latest gig economy case, eight couriers act after being forced to declare as self-employed
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