7 years ago
Your thoughts on dresscode and race limits on SL?
latest #11
7 years ago
Annoying 90% of the time.
7 years ago
I think they have a reason to be only in rpg sims. In the rest of Second Life at least race limits should be really avoided. It's like, we should accept an enviroment where you really can be whatever you want to be. A furry in a nice garden shouldn't ruin the atmosphere, it should just be a person, same for every other strange avatar.
7 years ago
Places that don't want children avatars are equally dumb. I can understand themed places and parties, you shouldn't walk in a bikini in a ballroom, but that's all I can accept about limitations.
7 years ago
Limits do see strange when you can be anything in SL. On the other hand sim owners are paying money for their places. Their sim, their rules. Each place is different. One might be adult hangout bdsm and child avi should not be there, another might be summer camp for kids and the reserve should not be there. Each sim has it's own theme and rules.
7 years ago
BishieStyleSL: That's true, but there are some cases that are kind of extreme: like, some days ago i was in a small post apocaliptic sim created for photographic purpouses, but the owner put in the rules "Non human avatar not allowed". I can pass as human-ish most of the time, but it's a thing that annoys me to no end.
7 years ago
_Abby_: role play sims can be that way. I have mixed feeling about it. I understand completely a sim theme like Berlin 1920 should not have fantasy avatars, but I too have gotten nasty grams for nonhuman avatar at a Meet The Lindens event. It was held a sim that doesn't allow nonhuman.
7 years ago
BishieStyleSL: wow, that sucks :/ btw that sim wasn't a rp one, it was for ohotography, that's why i was kind of baffled... ironically, i never had problem in rp sims (the ooc tag sure helps), except in the rare cases i went in gor sims.
7 years ago
7 years ago
Which I did not know beforehand. Because the event would have crazy traffic I wore a low lag animal avi. And got a nastygram for it. IMHO, an event open to all of SL should suspend dresscode for the event. Turns out it was bot that sent the nasty gram.
7 years ago
_Abby_: I see. Sim owners do call the shots though since they are paying for the sim. You could always take a background shot and shoot your avi in the studio. 90% of my pictures are done that way.
7 years ago
BishieStyleSL: yeah, sure. And yes, their money their rules but... it's just plain stupid, imho. :/ But luckily SL is big so i can easily avoid sims with dresscode.
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