生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
IFS智庫:英格蘭最窮的學生們 將在畢業時𢴦著57k英鎊的債務 - 衛報教育版 - 衛報頭版
Poorest students will finish university with £57,000...最受衝擊的就是那些來自低收入戶的學生們。
大學學費是怎麼改變了大學生活? - 衛報教育版
How have tuition fees changed university life?Women after a graduation ceremony.
Photograph: Chris...

#英國社會民生議題 #貧富差距 #學生債務 #學債 #學貸
latest #21
Tuition fees should be scrapped, says 'architect' of fe...

Student finance system leaves graduates in England with debt of £50,000 or more and three-quarters will never pay it back, says former Blair adviser

#抗議學費 #學費應該被取消
Graduate anger mounts over ‘nightmare’ Student Loans Company

Our story last week about the SLC quadrupling someone’s interest rate sparked a new wave of complaints

#邊上學邊打工還貸款 #畢業生憤怒 #貸款公司
Student loan repayment income 'undervalued by £...Watchdog highly critical of Treasury calculations that differ from DfE forecasts.
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