生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
維京火車取消班次還怪罪「輪休中的駕駛不願意自願出來加班」 推特譙翻天 - 衛報商業版 - 本日點閱率第二名
Virgin Trains feels heat after blaming delays on dri...哇喔,英國慣老闆。休假日還要自願出來上班是什麼邏輯?
#壓榨與剝削勞工權益 #鐵路民營化與再度國營化 #AWOL
latest #15
Bentos #AllamOut on TwitterSince there is no obligation to work overtime, do you really believe it is correct to blame your drivers publicly? @RMTunion
AyePhoneCases on TwitterSudden? You mean you don't schedule things to allow for rest periods? You want drivers to be suffering from fatigue? Thought about that?
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