生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
數千名群眾參加倫敦反樽節遊行 柯賓告訴群眾"我已決心要強推再次大選" - 衛報政治版
Corbyn tells anti-austerity demo he's 'determined to...有人歡呼柯賓,也有人將焦點放在格倫菲大火上。

英國又要選舉? 工黨柯賓:今年或明年可能再選 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
「該是緩和黨魁民心下滑的時候了」 保守黨要員反對梅伊的公部門開銷計畫 Top Tories in revolt against May over public spendin...
鮑里斯強森也放炮 Boris Johnson: lift 1% ceiling on public sector pay ...https://imgur.com/F1qQgSL.jpg

#預算刪減 #英國社會民生福利 #英國大選2017年 #NotOneDayMore #托利滾啦 #工黨黨魁 #公務員薪資 #薪水差距 #不是貧富議題 #公部門開銷 #預算 #造反 #改變樽節措施與政策
latest #42
Damning government report shows depth of public sector pay cuts

Teachers, nurses and police officers have seen their take home pay fall or stagnate in real terms following a decade of salary freezes, analysis shows

The Guardian view on public sector pay: Hammond stares into the a...

Half the cabinet wants to lift the 1% cap on public sector pay. But finding the money to pay for it is a Tory chancellor’s nightmare

#財政大臣 #財相
David Cameron calls Tory austerity critics selfish, not compassio...

Former British PM says ministers calling for public sector pay cap to be lifted wanted to spend money they might need in future
【工黨議員皮德考投書】 我在國會學到的事情:托利黨人樂於把人民變得更窮 - 衛報評論

This is what I learned in parliament: the Tories enjoy making peo...

Voting to impoverish public servants is bad enough, laughing about it is contemptuous and cold-hearted. They don’t deserve their power
Theresa May defends public sector pay cap under pressure from Lab...

Easing of austerity policies aimed at reducing deficit would lead to Greek-style economic collapse, claims the PM

#PMQ #希臘式經濟崩潰
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
"工作越來越重,薪水越來越少" 公務員/軍公教/公部門勞工怎看薪水差異
'Harder work for less money': public sector workers on ...

A pay freeze since 2011 has seen incomes fall well behind inflation. We asked people to tell us how this has affected them

#通貨膨脹 #薪水凍漲
卡麥隆,你怎麼還在說(放)話(炮) - 衛報評論

David Cameron, why oh why are you still talking? | Marina Hyde

The former prime minister picks up a fat fee for a speech on austerity. His lack of self-awareness is bordering on sociopathy
Theresa May accused of insulting teachers as pay rise is held at ...

Deal first to be announced since Tory MPs raised concerns over public sector pay following the poor election performance

University vice-chancellors are paid too much, says Lord Adonis

Former Labour education minister singles out Bath’s Glynis Breakwell, whose pay rose 11% to £451,000

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