生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
工黨黨員反對退出歐盟單一市場與關稅同盟區 柯賓開除三位前座議員 - 衛報頭版
Corbyn sacks three frontbenchers after single market...柯賓又要短路了嗎...

Emily Thornberry accuses Chuka Umunna of virtue sign...
凱蒂霍普金斯與UKIP法拉吉想加入柯賓站在歷史的正確一邊嗎?噁翻了。 - 衛報評論
Have Katie Hopkins and Farage joined Corbyn on the r...#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #仇恨份子 #女王演說 #李德森 #脫歐談判貿易協議
latest #34
Brexit followed by Corbyn in No 10 would put UK flat on its back ...

Former Labour prime minister issues warning in lengthy article published by his own political institute
Tony Blair has warned that the combination of Brexit followed by a Jeremy Corbyn government would soon leave Britain “flat on our back”, arguing that a deeply divided country needs a fundamental rethink of its political ideas.
影子貿易大臣投書:脫歐就是離開單一市場與關稅同盟區,原因就在此: - 衛報評論
Brexit means leaving the single market and the customs union. Her...

The 52% who voted to leave the EU would consider it a con if Britain was out of Europe but still subservient to its laws and institutions
跨黨派國會議員希望能迫使首相提出一個讓英國留在EEA歐盟經濟區的投票 - 衛報政治版頭條
Cross-party group of MPs hope to force a vote on UK staying in EE...

Kinnock, Umunna and Alexander look at working with Tories to try to force PM to yield on post-Brexit transitional period
#跨黨派 #EEA #後脫歐過渡期 #歐盟經濟區
Groups opposed to hard Brexit join forces under Chuk...Coalition of pro-EU organisations and MPs will push for public’s voice to be heard on final deal

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