I've got something submitted for Pagan's subarchway, so he'll, with any luck, have his army soon. He's also starting to recruit and attempt to make friends in the city. Peter is, more likely than not, going to finally get his music-store open post, I've been putting that off too long.
Gotta find something for Bones to get into, the damn workaholic.
I still want to do that 'date' thread, it is on my list for July
Oh, yeah, by all means.

Jack is seeming like he is going to be a busy boy next month. I'll look through how people normally do it and get him one of the catch-all posts too.
Then there's John back in Genessia who's got his job, is getting his feet on the ground and needs to stop pretending to be some wide-eyed out-of-his-element businessman. xD

miles should flirt with jack, he is shameless. shameless bi boy
also i want jack with everyooooone
Haha, well I'm pretty sure that can be arranged. Any particular locations etc you want lemme know and I can include a prompt for it. He is far too much fun.
Perhaps if your plate isn't too full Devin is still intrigued by this time not being linear business and also the flirting is amusing to him
I don't know if you're aware, but I have like nothing but time to rp 8am to 4:30pm EST mon-fri. I think it'd be night on impossible to fill up my plate. Also that thread is currently a freaking blast so yeah, more of that is fine.
I'll definitely have some kind of 'chilling in a bar' prompt when I do his post up.
...big needs: figuring out his freaking employment situation.
Jackie runs a bar
Come work for the ex-triad member
Ooooh. xD Well, I mean, he's got like two people who're gonna talk to him about jobs, but I think bartending would suit him pretty well actually... xD
He has no player character employees xD;
Well that is a damn shame, isn't it? xD
Sure is
I'll see how everything goes.

No one really needs cop!Jack anyway, I don't think. xD
oh man he would be such a good bartender
Exactly. Probably knows enough drinks from here and there and then that he could get some interesting stuff whipped up too. Rack in those tips. xD
actually tag you back in a reasonable amount of time for once
that sounds like a good plan. If need be I can also link you Pagan's post again when you get back around to Jacques in the rotation. XD
if we go off on enough tangents in class today I can finally finish garrus and move onto him
and then I still hae like 6 other tag ins to do send help
i know you will, no pressure! I'm just looking forward to it. He's trying to open his subarch now! XD
idk how unless you want me to impersonate you
youd probably do a better job than me anyway