7 years ago
latest #19
7 years ago
The rarest of Princess Makers is coming to steam
Boogie Oogie
7 years ago
At last she's here
Deranged Maniac
7 years ago
7 years ago
and others who might want to try it out
7 years ago
Carrie, since you have Princess Maker 1, you'll get the game a couple of dollars cheaper if you buy the ""bundle""
Deranged Maniac
7 years ago
Nice. I have 2 as well, assuming it's also in the bundle
Deranged Maniac
7 years ago
But YEAH EVERYBODY PLAY PRINCESS MAKER ITS GREAT? I wonder if they' plan to go all the way and do steam ports of 4 and 5 too?
7 years ago
I'm gonna buy it, even though CFK's English is amateurish... but it's either this or nothing at all.
Deranged Maniac
7 years ago
(And if they do a port of 4, will they do a straight port of the PC/console one? It'd be nice if they included the DS-exclusive bits.)
7 years ago
What were the DS exclusive bits? The endings with her friends? These were cute
Deranged Maniac
7 years ago
Yeah the translation work hasn't been exactly out of the park which is a shame but I'm just happy to see it existing period.
Deranged Maniac
7 years ago
And yes! I'm pretty positive the friend endings were DS-exclusive. Maybe a few other things too? But those are what I remember.
Deranged Maniac
7 years ago
(I should fish out my copy and see what I was up to with my daughters...)
7 years ago
I enjoyed PM1 more than I thought I would, even though it's still very bare-bones
7 years ago
Pm4 is famous for being super cute and having more plot
7 years ago
I bought the game but it seems it's not up yet... it says there's 0 bytes to download
7 years ago
Yep, the English version is still not up. Tons of people on the forums are waiting. I will post something here when I'm finally able to play it.
7 years ago
It's working now.
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