生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
【揭露】消防單位高層:曾多次警告玉米大樓的火災風險 卻不斷被內閣給忽視冷落 - 觀察者週日報 Revealed: the tower block fire warnings that ministe...為何非要到格倫菲大火這種悲劇發生 才會讓政府內閣將人命放在省錢之上? - 觀察者週日報 Why does it take a tragedy like Grenfell Tower for m...大火還沒發生 政府就讓格倫菲居民失望了 - 衛報評論 Grenfell Tower’s residents were failed long before f...「把該負責的人送進大牢」 居民的哀傷是怎麼變成憤怒的 ‘Jail those responsible’: how Grenfell Tower residen...格倫菲將成為對右派非難的象徵 Grenfell Tower will forever stand as a rebuke to the...邪惡又猖獗的不平等並非新事物,但這場災難帶來了轉折點。
#英國社會民生議題 #貧富差異 #社會公平
latest #23
掰噗~ feels
7 years ago
那ㄝ阿捏!? (p-doh)
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
消防安全:高樓防火灑水器翻新作業之需求 不斷地被忽略
Fire safety: repeated calls for retrofitting sprinklers to high-r...

Advice from coroners and fire services after fatal fires as far back as 2009 were not considered ‘practical or economically viable’
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Sajid Javid: Grenfell has 'shaken my comprehension of being ...

Communities secretary wrote to MPs confirming that 11 tower blocks have cladding similar to Grenfell Tower and pledging to ‘seek justice’ for all affected
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Living in the shadow of Grenfell: 'It’s like looking into an...

The shell of Grenfell Tower is a constant reminder of the disaster, and some worry leaving it exposed means vital evidence is being destroyed
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
New Kensington and Chelsea leader heckled by Grenfell fire surviv...

Councillor Elizabeth Campbell constantly interrupted after being elected at chaotic borough council meeting in west London
生活中找樂趣 says
6 years ago
Fire advice is to flee as tests show Grenfell-style ...Fire brigade tells 101 tower blocks in capital that ‘stay put’ policy could put lives at risk.
UK government announces £3.5bn fund to fix cladding ...
稍早標題:Jenrick announces billions to fix cladding on high-rises

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