Dora Panda
7 years ago
Having demo packed without an unpacking script and no rez zone in nearby rather than just giving out a demo folder is like telling me to go home and rethink before buying, in which nine out of ten times I forget to go back to get the items.
latest #9
7 years ago
Dora Panda
7 years ago
I guess it's being considerate to our L$ and therapeutic to impulse shoppers.
Dora Panda
7 years ago
FinnZane: hi~
7 years ago
DoraLaneSL: I guess but it is like. My brain is powered by a triple a battery
7 years ago
Why u make it so complicated
7 years ago
7 years ago
Dora Panda
7 years ago
Hahah... at least you can change the battery. I wish I could change mine, coz I feel like the battery of my brain has reached its cycle limit.
7 years ago
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