生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
DUP將會讓保守黨為了執政而付出高額代價 - 觀察家週日報
DUP will extract a high price to prop up a Tory mino...反墮胎、反同性婚姻的政黨現在身處政府核心,DUP勢必會在英國政治上具有核心角色,因而影報了大眾的憤怒與焦慮。
DUP寫信致蘇格蘭政府 要求他們"管束同性戀婚姻" - 獨立報
Theresa May's new DUP ally ‘wrote to Scottish g...開始囂張了。附帶一提,蘇格蘭保守黨與工黨頭子都是蕾絲邊,聽到保守黨跟DUP聯合執政,她們現在都很抓狂。
#英國大選2017 #LGBT同志權益
latest #31
Ruth Davidson given assurances over gay rights ahead...via Edinburgh News on Twitter
via Mary Lou McDonald on TwitterIs @RuthDavidsonMSP shaping up to collude with @duponline in blocking marriage equality in the north of Ireland?? #MakeGráTheLaw
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Sectarian issues largely off agenda in DUP-Tory negotiations – so...
DUP will not include demands regarding marching disputes such as Drumcree in ‘shopping list’ to support Tories
#Sectarian宗派主義 #北愛爾蘭新舊教衝突 #購物清單
David Squires on … Theresa May's deal with the DUP
笑翻 wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
#麥田裡有什麼 #年輕選民 #不相信有恐龍 #進化論否定論者 #政治漫畫 #小茶杯
「懂不懂尊重啊?」 超嗆
Theresa May under pressure as DUP says: ‘Show some respect’

Brexit to dominate Queen’s speech shorn of controversial social policies after Conservatives fail to secure deal
Conservatives edge closer to a deal with the DUP

Agreement understood to hinge on additional funding for Northern Ireland as sources say deal could come this Tuesday
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Brexit, Theresa May held hostage by the DUP & the po...via Going Under Ground RT 從地下看英國
[轉推] 英國政府與DUP的聯盟,根本就是反平權反人權。
Declan Kearney on TwitterBritish Gov't alliance with DUP has emboldened it's anti equality & rights agenda
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