AvatarBizarre says
7 years ago
Boy. People are testy about receiving note cards from subscriber lists they subscribed to.
latest #11
7 years ago
What's funny, is this person has to have been receiving note cards from me for weeks. His name was smack in the middle of the list on my subscriber.
7 years ago
He decided to be testy and say "I get spammed from you all the time" which isn't true. I send once a week, at best. Sometimes less than that even.
MarvelMouse 🐭 says
7 years ago
I once sent out an invitation to a bunch of people to join me in an event I was creating using my message sender. It was my Etheria event. I loved that event it was fun. But one person I sent to sent me a message basically saying..."NEVER SEND ME SPAM AGAIN, AND IF YOU DO, I'LL KILL YOU AND ALL YOUR SL CHILDREN..HOW DARE YOU OMG, I HATE YOU."
MarvelMouse 🐭 says
7 years ago
:-o I was floored lol. I had no idea.
7 years ago
LOL that's overkill
MarvelMouse 🐭 says
7 years ago
hehe it was...
7 years ago
I get being annoyed when people send note cards every other day, but it doesn't take much to tp somewhere and unsubscribe.
7 years ago
The only time I ever got testy with someone about a subscriber is when I accidentally hit the one at Frank's Jazz. They'd removed the unsub button and it took me weeks to get off their list. Meanwhlie, they actually did send a note card per day
7 years ago
sometimes multiples, along with various text messages.
MarvelMouse 🐭 says
7 years ago
yeah I've been stuck on those and you can't FIND them to unsub. that is annoying!
Autumn Moon
7 years ago
There is one for some tribute concert group I have no idea how I ended up on their list and I need to figure out how to get out of it.
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