AvatarBizarre says
7 years ago
Is it possible to control how others perceive you?
latest #20
7 years ago
It is, but it involves putting up a massive front and being someone you're not.
7 years ago
Or mind control...
Tutti Anatine
7 years ago
There are mind tricks. For one, people like you more when you mimic their behavior, even if it's hand movements
Tutti Anatine
7 years ago
You can even manipulate people in such a way that you can be a massively incompetent asshole and still become president of the United States of America :-D
Mr Volare
7 years ago
Of course you can. Starts with knowing your audience. What are their values and vices? Are they a crowd or are they a club?
Mr Volare
7 years ago
Who are the big monkeys, and who are the overlooked one. You'll want to work both of these groups. Treat the big monkey as an equal and the little monkey as a better.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
Got your foundation info, Now, how do you want to be perceived? One of the crowd? Watch the cues they respond to. Look where they look, laugh when they laugh. Part your hair the same way, and don't wear shoes more expensive than the most boring-looking guy in the lot
7 years ago
Riddle me this: Say the person is being treated for acute social anxiety. Now say this person is also depressed because of the way they're treated, due to being afraid of conflict. Is it still possible to control how others see them?
7 years ago
This person also has a difficult time being someone they're not.
7 years ago
And they don't like to lie. Acting a way that is the antithesis of their ethical values is a lie.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
Stepping back from the Vegas showboating: Possible, yes, but the question ends up being "to what benefit." Ultimately people's reactions are their own. but peppering others with polite gestures and kind words, even in the face of hardship, helps sometimes
Mr Volare
7 years ago
If the "others" in question value meanness, it's better to pack your backs and try again in the next town sometimes, so to speak.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
But most folks barely see past their own thoughts to acknowledge much other than crappiness pointed at them.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
So, doing kind things, even if it has the effect of fireing fluff from a shotgun, can have a net benefit in most neutrally inclined folks.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
I don't do conflict. I withdraw and post "get off my lawn" signs. I don't join clubs nor make affiliations for that very reason.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
But it costs me little, even if I have to act to do it, to flash a stranger an understanding look. I can't change their perception of me, but I can cue them that there are others in the world with a positive perception of them. Folks remember this, and it changes their reactions to you, subtly over time.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
BUT, if it is a handful of bad actors intent on making you feel bad, who have fixed a model of you in their word and thoughts that you cannot nudge or slipp from under, a quiet "good luck" is all you have to give them, and try moving down the line.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
Emotionally easy? Oh hell no.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
But better than beating yourself bloody against a wall of dried shit.
Mr Volare
7 years ago
That what has worked for me. your mileage may/will vary
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