生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
衛報實況開票:無絕對多數 英國國會將邁向懸宕國會
Election results live: Theresa May has 'no intention of resi...Latest general election results from the UK’s 650 co...梅伊首相偷雞不著蝕把米,她原本想要取得國會多數,打爆工黨,卻沒想到丟了10多席,反觀工黨增加至少30席次。


Results of the 2017 General Election - BBC NewsBBC真的不能看了,一開始就說「保守黨取得國會最大黨」,無視懸宕國會之可能。
latest #67
- 工黨新增20席
- 保守黨丟21席(但竟然在蘇格蘭補回來)
Election results 2017 live: May has 'no intention of resigni...

Corbyn 'Labour ready to serve'

Jeremy Corbyn says Labour is “ready to serve this country”.
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
He says the Brexit negotiations will have to go ahead and that he wants a “job first” Brexit. He says delaying negotiations is out of Britain’s hands.

Corbyn repeats his call for Theresa May to resign.

He says it was pretty clear Labour won the election on a “strong and hopeful” programme.
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
八個原因告訴你:為何柯賓能夠搶票搶到梅伊那邊鬧山崩 - 衛報評論
Eight reasons why Jeremy Corbyn robbed Theresa May of a landslide...
Anti-Brexit activists with hand-puppets of Theresa M...
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
克雷格敗選 決定了他的大起大落
Nick Clegg’s loss of Sheffield Hallam seals his rise and fall
Nick Clegg loses Sheffield Hallam seat to Labourvia
糟糕了,北愛爾蘭的DUP民主統一黨已經放話說只要保守黨能夠阻止北愛脫離英國,包括"歐盟特殊地位"在內,就會協助保守黨。幹不要啊啊啊啊,這樣讓保守黨變成327席了!!! 拜託不要成立啊幹!!!
Theresa May's leadership in the balance amid Tory election f...Theresa May says Conservatives will offer ‘period of...Gamble on early election appears to have backfired, with hung parliament seen as ‘catastrophic’ for PM

梅伊想把自己加冕成為脫歐皇后 現在她的威權中箭了 - 衛報評論
Theresa May anointed herself Empress of Brexit. Now her authority...

Voters go to the polls in 2017 Westminster election – as it happe...
What to look out for as the night unfolds, including results for key bellwether seats, potential upsets, and how to tell who is doing well
確認為懸宕國會 柯賓呼籲首相該下台了
Jeremy Corbyn calls for May to resign after hung parliament confi...
It is time for Theresa May to go, says Jeremy Corbyn
剛醒來嗎?這些是你可能錯過的大選夜精采片段 - 衛報評論
Just woken up? Here’s what you missed on a remarkable election ni...Labour frontbenchers celebrate another Corbyn surge....柯賓做出了有史以來最糟糕的擊掌wwwwwwwwwwww

Theresa May waits with other candidates for the resu...又一個怪咖
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Corbyn celebrates great election night with one of w...「松貝麗明早可能會有胸痛」
via Dan Hewitt on Twitter
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
「梅伊說她無意辭職 ── 但她也說她不會提前大選。

Theresa May has indicated she has no intention of re...
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
[悲報] 保守黨跟DUP真的要聯合執政了…………………… 即使DUP是北愛的區域政黨,但還是讓托利執政了。幹。
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
梅伊豪賭失利! 執政黨席次過半無望 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報反對黨「工黨」領袖柯賓(Jeremy Corbyn)則意氣風發,工黨較選前多了29席,柯賓在自己選區勝選後,即向首相梅伊喊話,應該對此下台負責,柯賓認為,她為了鞏固首相權力而提前改選國會,結果就是失去席位、選票、支持者和信心,柯賓說,「我會認為,這樣子就該走人了,好讓出位子給真的能代表全國人民的政府。」

除了反對黨的批評,保守黨黨內也對梅伊有所微詞,去年被梅伊解職的英國前財相歐斯本(George Osborne),他批評梅伊讓保守黨度過了一個悲慘的夜晚,梅伊恐成為史上任期最短命英國首相。
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