7 years ago
Post show hair!
latest #9
7 years ago
Awwww... so glad of the pictures. Such a pretty pretty girl.
7 years ago
Gosh, you're pretty :-)) Did you have fun?
LisaCraftMom says
7 years ago
I love the layers!
HeavensJoy says
7 years ago
HollyBerries says
7 years ago
I love the new cut and I like your hair parted on the side. I bet it was so much fun but were you a little nervous?
Merry Crisis!
7 years ago
you are too gorgeous!!!
7 years ago
You guys are so sweet! (blush) I was nervous but I'm nervous any time I get my hair cut. After my head was shaved to 1/4" when I was 10, I learned it'll always grow back.
7 years ago
I'm sorry that happened to you, and of course I want to hear all about it. I'm so glad this went well.Take healing from it, as much as you can.
7 years ago
you look beautiful! (heart)
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