Gal受訪時,被問到WW是不是女權主義者,她毫不閃躲的回答肯定句,又說: “I think people have a misconception about what feminism is. People think hairy armpits and women who burn bras and hate men. That's not it. For me, feminism is all about equality and freedom and [women] choosing what we want to do. If it's salaries, then we get paid equal to men. It’s not men vs. women or women vs. men.”
至於CPine的Steve Trevor(也可以看一下首噗那篇有解釋角色誕生的背景XD),Gal說: “We didn’t want to make Steve the damsel in distress,” she says. “And we wanted them to have a very equal relationship. If she falls in love with him, then he should be someone that every woman falls in love with.”
題外,我在想Steve朋友的國籍,Sameer的紅氈帽是土耳其嗎?(但鄂圖曼不是同盟國嗎?雖然後面就獨立戰爭了,我想戰時出師正義的模糊也拉扯著人吧)、Charile的帽巾我看不出來XD(啊蘇格蘭裙) 然後酋長是印地安人(下方有查證資料) 德國人說英文......好吧看在派德國腔的份上哈哈。公主完全翻譯蒟蒻 Ewen Bremner唱歌again! Trainspotting - Spud sings Two little boys
World War I and American Indians 喔喔我錯了,一戰時的確有印地安人士兵:"In 1917 the United States entered into World War I. While Indians were not liable to be drafted, they enlisted in large numbers. Many of the volunteers were eager to count coup, gain war honors, and to maintain the warrior traditions of their tribes." 估計是一萬人參戰。
"You have been my greatest love. And from now on you hurt me the most." (不確定Hippolyta的原句是否這樣說,我只記得女神們都帥得我嫑嫑的) 這句台詞喜歡。(更正:from now on you are my greatest sorrow) - - - 應該就是這樣我打得好分散XD 推兔寶。 [兔寶Δゴジラフレンズ] - Wonder Woman (神力女超人) #spoiler -- - - anviarlos: 唉