SillyGooseKnits says
7 years ago
So many job applications... I'll get something soon, right?
latest #7
7 years ago
Surely you will. Especially with such a nice resume. Did you do a cover letter? They really like a cover letter.
LisaCraftMom says
7 years ago
yes you will! And it will be the right job for you
Deb425 says
7 years ago
yes, you will!
7 years ago
This is going to sound seriously stupid, but bear with me. When I was unemployed, I consulted with a sort of spiritual healer lady. I didn't take much away from it, not being bent that way, but I did do some of the things she suggested. She suggested I print out a page and put it where I could see it every day, which I did.
7 years ago
It says, repeated 3X: I expect and accept the perfect right job that is for my highest and best good.
7 years ago
And that happened. I have an amazing job where I am healing myself and healing others and I'm with a dedicated, kind, friendly, hard-working group of people in a small office that treats the neediest clients. So maybe that helped and maybe it just happened, but it couldn't hurt.
HollyBerries says
7 years ago
yes you will definitely get a job and you are going to love it!
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